- Intermediation
- Consulting
- Commercial representation
- Distribution
- Project development
Service adapted to company needs
- Market research and procurement
- Distributor or import companies research
- Legal consulting
- Commercial consulting
- Develop of Investment plans
- Project supervision
- We find the optimal solution for your investment plan
Follow-up and accompaniment in projects
- We look for the optimal solution for your INVESTMENT plan.
Golden Visa
- Management to obtain the Residence Card
- Project development
- Documentation procurement and presentation
- Licenses & authorizations
- Market strategies.
- Company establishment & relocation
- Participation in business negotiations
- Events- Trade fairs- Conferences- Meetings-Forums
- Consulting
Why the intermediation in new markets research is a real need?
- Real knowledge of the situation
- We find equilibrated solution between customers and suppliers
- Knowledge of country needs and particularities
- Because of the capacity to negotiate with customers and supplier at the same level
- We can guarantee the implementation of a large amount of products, brand and services, after a complete study of the possibilities of distribution commercialization and establishment. This is supported by years of experience in the country and a good costumer and partners network
Where to go?
- Information about the main clients of the country and business types.
How to get there?
- Consulting according to each sector in order to define the best distribution channels for each product
To who?
- Identification of the customers/ partners/ potential investors
- Search for trustful companies
- Selection of companies
In order to solve some diligences and get documentations in local administration, local entities and companies in a successfully way, the involvement of the intermediary becomes important.
The lack of knowledge about the mechanisms of public administration or even private organizations, many times turn the the parties’ good intentions onto the failure. This fact turn some project of establishment or relocation non-viable both in time or investment.
The particular characteristics of establishment in each country, leads many companies to take actions without a real knowledge of the local perspective or approach.
How to achieve it? Which are the legal aspects involved? Which is the risk assessment?
These are basic questions to consider when we want to save costs and guarantee the viability of the goals, research of new markets, projects, investments or merely their prospection.
- New markets research?
- Products or Brand promotion?
- Search of possible investors?
- Shareholding in a company based in Algeria / Spain?
- National and/or international projects?
- Establishment of your company or Brand?
- Negotiations, discussions…?