AFRIARGEL S.L. we are a company dedicated to commercial intermediation, industrial projects and buying and selling. Our Business Policy is based on the search for continuous improvement to satisfy the needs demanded by a market as competitive as the current one and thus be able to achieve the satisfaction of our customers and stakeholders in our organization.
At AFRIARGEL S.L. we are aware that Environmental Management is essential for the development of all the activities of the company, since we find ourselves in a society that is increasingly aware of the environment. Through our quality and environmental policy, we define the commitment to carry out our activities within the parameters of sustainable development, maintaining control and management of the environmental aspects that they produce. Likewise, it establishes a common framework for defining the objectives and carrying out the activities that contribute to the continuous improvement of the quality and environmental management system.
To fulfill these commitments, at AFRIARGEL we have established the following fundamental principles:
- Implement and continuously improve the Integrated Management System; having acquired the commitment to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001 quality standards and ISO 14001 environmental management since the implementation of these three management systems.
- Improve our ability to satisfy the requirements of our clients through the contribution of the most suitable people for each project and ensuring a high level of quality from our company's suppliers.
- Guarantee the protection of the environment, working in a respectful way, preventing pollution and minimizing the environmental effects produced as a result of the activities we develop.
- Ensure compliance with environmental legal requirements and the requirements voluntarily assumed by the organization.
- Raise awareness and awareness among all our employees, promoting their environmental training and favoring active participation, taking into account the suggestions for improvement proposed by them in order to promote continuous improvement.