


From Argentina to the world. Agricultural and training aircraft PA-25 PUELCHE

We have at our clients' disposal 4 aircraft models for fumigation, dispersion of solids, fire attack, etc. in powers of 235 or 260 HP with fixed or variable pitch propellers. Also our trainer model with or without fumigation equipment.

LAVIA ARGENTINA S.A. has reformulated its production processes, its quality controls and its COMMERCIAL relationship with the users of this wonderful aircraft that is the PA-25 series, its current identification being "PUELCHE" in homage to the indigenous tribes that populated the current territory where it we produce (Mendoza, ARGENTINA).

This decision obeys to follow the criteria imposed by its initial manufacturer (PIPER Aircraft) who called it “PAWNEE” in the beginning.

The objective is to provide SUPERIOR QUALITY services for the satisfaction of OUR CURRENT AND FUTURE CLIENTS.

WE ARE THE CURRENT ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF THIS AIRCRAFT PA-25 series (in all its models) and we have all the Certifications that grant us the universal rights over this aircraft.

  1. Laviasa is the holder of Type Certificates (CCTT'S) No. 2 A 8 and 2 A 10 issued by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) acquired from the New Piper Aircraft company in the US in 1998 and Type Certificates No. AV-0004 and AV-9901 and Production Certificate Nº A-0801 issued by the Argentine National Civil Aviation Administration (ANAC).
  2. Said documents grant Laviasa the universal and exclusive rights to manufacture the aircraft for agricultural use and other uses PA-25-235 / 260 (previously known as “Pawnee” and renamed “Puelche”) and its parts. Said rights extend to its possibility as an operator of the manufacturing use rights of the aforementioned aircraft, to third parties under "Licensed" status.
  3. In accordance with the responsibilities inherent to the contractual act of acquisition of the CCTT’s mentioned in paragraph 1, Laviasa:
  • It is the holder of all the pertinent development documentation received from Piper: Certification Reports, Manuals, Specifications, Calculation Reports, tests and construction processes, etc. and more than 2,400 manufacturing and assembly drawings.
  • More than 900 pieces of tooling, molds and templates.
  • It is responsible, according to ICAO Annex 8, for ensuring the continuity of airworthiness of all aircraft previously manufactured by Piper Aircraft and Chincul S.A. (from Argentina) “under license”, protected by the CCTT’s already mentioned and logically of all our own production aircraft.


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