

Given the implementation of a Quality System, based on the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, we proceed to inform you of the system used by our organization to assess the monitoring of our suppliers:

Supplier Evaluation.

AFRIARGEL, to guarantee quality, must have suppliers with sufficient capacity and organization to respond to the purchase specifications that we make. For this, suppliers will be selected based on their ability to meet the required requirements.

Two types of evaluation will be carried out:

  • Initial evaluation, carried out on new suppliers that will consist of evaluating aspects such as the price of their products / services, the delivery time, the quality of the product / service.
  • Periodic evaluation, carried out both on the quality of the supply made by the suppliers, which will be based on a continuous review of possible incidents in their deliveries and in their services, which may give rise to an incident, acting as specified in the corresponding procedure. In the event that a supplier generates incidents in the delivery of its products / services, or does not comply with the requirements, it may be removed from the List of Suppliers, which will mean that no orders can be placed with said supplier.

We remain at your disposal with any questions or queries at the address admin@afriargel.com.


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